About the BUTF
The British United Taekwon Do Federation (BUTF) was formed on the 1st of March 1988 to promote and teach pure Taekwon-Do (TKD). The same Taekwon-Do that the founder Grandmaster Choi Hong Hi - 9th Dan created.
The head of the federation is Grandmaster R. M. K. Choy IX Dan a genuine ITF master with over 40 years 'hands-on' experience of practicing and teaching Taekwon-Do. Grandmaster Choy is also the most senior Instructor of the Founders (ITF) format in England.
THE BUTF prides itself on its core values of fairness and integrity. This means that when you study and compete with the BUTF you can be assured that grades gained or results won are given fairly and squarely on your merits of being a properly trained Taekwon-Do practitioner. This means that everyone can enjoy Taekwon-Do without fear of prejudice or bias.
All BUTF Instructors are highly trained, fully qualified and certified. The Federation demands the highest possible standards from its Instructors. All BUTF schools are fully licensed and insured and operate within a strict code of conduct.
Mission Statement
An Art, a Philosophy, a Discipline, a Way of Life
The BUTF aims to be pre-eminent in the study and practice of Taekwon-Do (TKD). It was formed with the commitment to deliver pure Taekwon-Do (TKD) as it was initially envisaged by the Founder (Chang Shi Ja) General Choi Hong Hi, 9th 'Koo'Dan.
It aims to provide an unadulterated approach to the teaching of the Art, building the virtue of Humility in its membership as well as the other five tenets of Taekwon-Do. It further aims to provide an excellent platform for:
- Self Defence
- Personal Fitness
- Increased Mental Strength and Self Confidence
BUTF practitioners are constantly provided with arenas to demonstrate their acquired skills. As a result students possessing the necessary raw talent have been developed into World Champions. Key factors that provide encouragement to both BUTF and students from other organisations to participate in its Tournaments is the fact that they are run efficiently, fairly and totally without bias.
Since the BUTFs' inception on the 1st March 1988 it has striven, and still continues to do so, to deliver quality tuition to its students with a long term vision of producing Taekwon-Do practitioners worthy of the aspirations of its Founder.
ITF Plaque
The plaque (symbol of international recognition) takes the shape of a turtle, symbolising longevity.
Plaque No. 306 (the first one to be issued in the UK to an Instructor), was presented to Grandmaster R.M.K. Choy IX Dan, by the founder of Taekwon-Do, Grandmaster General Choi Hong Hi, during the 1987 celebrations at the Sheraton Skyline Hotel in London Heathrow commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the iUKTA . This was in the presence of Madam Choi, the Generals wife, Vice President of the ITF, Grandmaster Rhee Ki Ha and the late Grandmaster Park Jung Tae, then Secretary General of the ITF.
Grandmaster Raymond M K Choy being presented with Plaque 306 by the Founder of Taekwon-Do General Choi Hong Hi.