On the 9th of July, members of our squad took part in the UKTA tournament. Everyone performed to the best of their ability, and brought back many medals. All the black belts who competed won at least one medal; the black belts females went against each other in nearly every round of patterns, and in the final the Nowak sisters went up against each other. The results were as follows; Maja Nowak won gold; Adriana Nowak won silver; and Kareena Naik won bronze. As for 1st dan patterns, Jasmine Hanchent won a bronze medal. Max Whitley won a bronze in patterns and Pacey Martinello won a bronze in junior patterns. Pacey competed in all three events and came back with a further bronze and silver in sparring and breaking. A few others also competed in the patterns however, overall the squad had more success in the sparring.
Michael Lucas obtained a silver in the sparring, being the only black tag in a group of Black Belts and Connor Ponting got a gold. As for black belts, Jasmine won a bronze and Maja a gold. Adriana won a silver, Bethany Petty also won a silver, and Kareena won a bronze. There were a couple of tense fights, but most came back uninjured (excluding Maja who walked into a side kick).
Well done to everyone who competed, thanks to everyone who came down and cheered everyone on as well as some special thanks to Master Whitley, Master Liu, Mr Snelders and Mr Nowak for the support and great coaching.